You've always admired the showhomes found in fancy neighbourhoods and stylish magazines. But have you ever considered moving into one? There are actually quite a few benefits to choosing a showhome...
7 Reasons To Buy An Income Property
Posted on February 28, 2017 by Kyle Temple
There are many ways for consumers to invest that can lead to a good return on investment. Options such as RRSPs, bonds, mutual funds, and the stock market quickly come to mind.
Your Complete Home Safety Checklist
Posted on February 21, 2017 by Kyle Temple
Whether you've just moved into a brand new home or have lived in the same place for years, maintaining your home to safeguard you and your family is of the utmost importance. Should a dangerous...
Talking With Kids
Posted on February 17, 2017 by Kyle Temple
Recently Qualico Communities got the chance to sit down at the beautiful McKay Avenue School in Edmonton Alberta, with a couple of kids, aged 5-11 years old, and ask them questions about what makes a...
11 Design Ideas For An Upscale Look
Posted on February 17, 2017 by Kyle Temple
We all love the idea of having elegant homes that are the envy of our friends. While it's a nice thought, most of us would rather not dip into our savings to hire professional decorators to make our...