Recently Qualico Communities got the chance to sit down at the beautiful McKay Avenue School in Edmonton Alberta, with a couple of kids, aged 5-11 years old, and ask them questions about what makes a community. These kids were quite intelligent and provided answers that even we were surprised at how accurate they were.
Filming in the McKay Avenue School was like taking a step back in time and provided a great location for the videos. A little about McKay Avenue School:
- Housed within the oldest standing brick school in Alberta, built 1904-1905
- McKay Avenue School has played a significant role in the educational, social and political development of Edmonton and of Alberta.
- After the Province of Alberta was created in 1905, the school’s third floor assembly hall housed the first two sessions of the Alberta Legislature, held in 1906 and 1907. In 1912, due to increased need for classroom space, the school was enlarged to the west.
- McKay Avenue remained an operating school until 1983. At that time, the school board made the decision to restore the building as Edmonton Public Schools Archives and Museum
As a show of gratitude, Qualico Communities donated $1000 to the EPSB Archives and Museum’s Shake It Up Program to replace the building’s roof, helping preserve the building so we can continue to share the past with future generations.
In the first video, which you can see below, we asked the kids: Where do you live? What do you find in a community? What do you like to do in your community?
The second video goes more into questions about the features of a community such as: How are roads built? Who makes the roads? Who makes the parks?
Lastly but not least we wanted to ask questions about their plans and where they see themselves living. This provided some of the most unique answers during the two day period. The third video covers these questions and more.
We would like to thank all those that participated and to the McKay Avenue School for being such gracious hosts.