Qualico Communities Blog

11 Design Ideas For An Upscale Look

Written by Kyle Temple | February 17, 2017

We all love the idea of having elegant homes that are the envy of our friends. While it's a nice thought, most of us would rather not dip into our savings to hire professional decorators to make our look homes look stunning. The good news is there are many ways you can give your home an upscale look without over-spending. Let's explore some ideas below.

Upgrading Textiles

We all experience life through our senses. One way to give our guest a more comfortable stay is by adding quality textiles to our home. This can be done by adding throw pillows in the living room or bedding for the bedrooms. Using a quality fabric where it counts makes a whole room feel more luxurious.

Discover Minimalism

Each piece of furniture you buy comes at a cost. The easiest way to lower your costs is to have less furniture. These days, minimalism is very fashionable and easy to achieve. When buying furniture, look for simpler versions of furniture you love. This will give your home a sleek, modern look.

Hang Art

Art on the walls helps people express their individuality and adds a personal touch. By having the right configuration and good lighting, any display of postcards, children's art, menus, and pictures can look gallery-worthy.

Find inexpensive frames you love and buy as many as you can afford. To switch it up, add or replace art whenever you're in the mood. Upscale your frame by painting it or adding moulding.

Add a Personal Touch

The best decor items are ones you can’t buy. Usually, trips come with stories of adventures and memories. The best way to add character to your home is by displaying items from your family's past or from vacations you have been on. These items will not only add whimsy, they will be conversation starters. To draw attention to these items, place them in a jar, shell, or shadow box.

Treat Yourself

If you want to upgrade your home, choose one thing to splurge on. By doing so, that one piece will raise your whole space. It could be a rug, light fixture, or even a large piece of art. 

Hang Curtains High

If you live in a small space, one way to upscale your space is by making it look bigger. You can do this by raising your curtain rods. The longer curtains are, the taller the window will appear, and the larger your space will look. To achieve this, hang your curtains about 5-7 inches above the window casing.

Paint Brass Objects

Do you have a house full of brass objects? Instead of replacing all your things, upscale your home by covering brass with a Universal All Surface Spray Paint. These come in many different colours. To give your home a more modern look, choose a black spray paint. Items such as ceiling fans, doorknobs, and light fixtures can be painted to make your home look amazing. 


Finding the perfect frame is the first step and then you’ll need to fill it. Original art does not come cheap. What better way to save money than to make your own art. It doesn't have to be a masterpiece. Something simple and elegant would go a long way to add pizazz to your walls.

Replace Furniture Legs

Many stores sell fashionable and affordable furniture, but often times you'll find they have those same simple square legs. To upscale your living room without spending much money, forget about buying a new piece of furniture. Just replace the legs to make your furniture look a little more unique.

Replace the Lamp Shade

Replacing light fixtures can be very expensive. One way to save money and change up the style is by replacing your lampshades. You can pick your favourite style and purchase matching ones. This will tie your home together to give it a cohesive and modern look.

Fill The Space

If you have a large space in your home, such as a bedroom with high or sloped ceilings, it can be expensive to furnish. One of the easiest tricks to make it look classy is to fill the space both horizontally and vertically. To do this, add items such as a large area rug and a canopy or a four-poster bed. Picking items that will cover more floor and wall space will give off a look of grandeur, no matter the price. 

Many spaces just need a bit of love and time to make them look amazing. If you're strategic about your décor decisions, it doesn't have to cost a fortune.

Another trick for getting that upscale look in your home is to stay on trend. Check out our interior design post on what's in and what's out for 2017 for some more eye-catching ideas.

 Photo Credits: living room, artist, frames