When buying your next home you not only want to feel good living in it, but you also want it to be in a location that is right for you. For most people, this is determined by the kind of community...
City Versus Suburban Living: Find Your Perfect Fit
Posted on March 25, 2016 by Kirsten Warwick
4 Essential Tips for Upgrading to a Bigger Home
Posted on March 23, 2016 by Kirsten Warwick
There are many reasons for upgrading to a bigger home; whether it’s because you’ll want more space to accommodate your growing family, have a larger yard, or to make room for a home business.
The Pros and Cons of Living in a Bedroom Community
Posted on March 18, 2016 by Kirsten Warwick
A bedroom community, by definition, is a small community located outside of a major city. The name stems from the belief that the only thing people in these communities do is go home to sleep, and...
Love Your Community: Crimson in Creekwood Chappelle
Posted on March 16, 2016 by Greg Markey
Once you discover the community of Crimson in Creekwood Chappelle, you will realize that it’s the community you’ve been looking for!
Located in the natural setting of Heritage Valley in southwest...
3 Things to Consider When Downsizing Your Home
Posted on March 15, 2016 by Kirsten Warwick
There are many reasons why homeowners find it advantageous to move into a smaller home. But while there are benefits to downsizing your home, it’s important to be thoroughly prepared for...