Historians are unsure when the tradition of playing pranks and silly tricks on other people first began. Some say that it stems from the ancient Roman festival of Hillaria (from which we get the word "hilarious") while others say it's a medieval tradition from Europe, first documented in English in Chaucer's "Canterbury Tales."
Whatever its true origin, April Fool's Day is a great time to get creative and surprise your friends and family members with harmless tricks. Below you can find a short list of some really fun and hilarious pranks that the whole family can enjoy.
Cake Fake-Out
On the other hand, if you know your kids are unable to resist a delicious treat, this sponge cake prank will teach them to be patient.
What You'll Need
- A large kitchen sponge
- Cake frosting
- Sprinkles
- Apply frosting and sprinkles to the sponge to make it look like a tempting slice of cake.
- Leave it out somewhere where the kids can see it.
- Wait for the howls of surprise!
The TP Mystery
Everyone knows what it's like to get comfortable in the bathroom only to find out that there's no more toilet paper. The goal of this fake toilet paper prank is to create a fake roll out of cardboard, topped with a layer of TP. When that layer is pulled off, all that's revealed is the words "April Fools!", leaving your poor target to stuck on the toilet.
What You'll Need
- An empty toilet paper cardboard tube
- 1 full roll of toilet paper
- Cardboard
- Glue
- Scotch tape
- Use cardboard to make a long strip the same width as your toilet paper.
- Trace the full roll of toilet paper on a piece of cardboard to cut out two cardboard discs for the top and bottom of the fake TP roll.
- Use the empty TP roll to trace a circle in the middle of each cardboard disc and cut those out (they should now be doughnut shaped).
- Assemble the fake TP roll, by attaching the discs to each end of the empty TP cardboard tube.
- Take the strip of cardboard the same width as your toilet paper, and secure it around the discs and empty tube, leaving about an inch of space open.
- Use another piece of cardboard the width of your toilet paper to write your message on.
- Tape a piece of toilet paper to the end of the message strip.
- Insert the message strip into the opening of your fake TP roll, leaving just the part covered in toilet paper sticking out.
- Cover the rest of your cardboard cylinder with one layer of toilet paper, taped secure.
- Place in bathroom.
Grilled Cheese Cake
From the outside, it looks like a grilled cheese sandwich. But when your kids bite into it, they'll be shocked to find it's actually a delicious pound cake! This is one prank they'll probably want you to play again and again...
What You'll Need
- A pound cake
- Butter cream frosting
- Yellow and red food colouring
- Bake the pound cake in a bread pan, to look like a loaf of bread
- Slice the pound cake to make "slices of bread"
- Toast the slices in a pan
- Colour the frosting until it looks like melted cheese
- Apply to slices and then re-assemble to look like regular sandwiches
Eating Flies
This one is great for little kids but silly and fun enough for the whole family to enjoy.
What You'll Need
- Raisins
- Napkins
- Place a raisin inside of a napkin and then hold it in your lap.
- With your other hand, use a fly swatter to pretend to whack a fly.
- Use the napkin to pick up the "fly" and then eat the raisin with a huge grin on your face.
Frozen Breakfast
So simple and yet so effective, especially because few people are alert and ready for pranks the first thing in the morning.
What You'll Need
- Breakfast cereal
- Milk
- The night before, fill a bowl with cereal and milk and place it in the freezer.
- When it's time to serve, add a little (liquid) milk to the surface.
- Watch the priceless expression as the person digs into their cereal.
Sale Surprise
Depending on your family situation, this can be a truly hilarious prank.
What You'll Need
- A "for sale" sign from a local real estate agent or hardware shop.
- Hang up the "for sale" sign where the victim will be sure to see it.
- If they fall for it and ask you why the house is for sale, tell them the whole family is moving to Alaska (or somewhere else far, far away).
Remote (Un)Control
Perfect for a subtle reminder not to succumb to a life of being a couch potato, this prank can be pulled off by or on any member of the family.
What You'll Need
- Scotch tape
- Use the tape to cover up the sensor at the end of your family member's remote control.
- Watch with delight as they struggle to find out why the remote won't work.
Screenshot Switcheroo
Equally funny to use on Mom or Dad's computer as it is on the kid's tablet.
What You'll Need
- Access to someone's tablet or computer.
- Take a screenshot of the victim's desktop.
- Use a media viewer to make the screenshot a fullscreen image.
- Howl with laughter as they try to figure out why the mouse and icons seem to be broken.
Chocolate Cookies
Few April Fool's Day pranks are more hilarious than watching a hungry diner get surprised by an unexpected taste. The best part is that these "cookies" are actually quite delicious.
What You'll Need
- Potatoes/Mashed potato mix
- Yellow food colouring
- 1 can black beans
- Follow your favourite recipe to create standard mashed potatoes.
- Add 1-3 drops of food colouring until potatoes resemble cookie dough.
- Stir in black beans to resemble the chocolate chips.
- Baked for 30-45 minutes in a 350-degree oven.
- Serve warm.
A Very Fizzy Drink
You've probably seen enough viral videos to know that Mentos candy mixed with diet soda has some fun effects. This prank takes it to another level.
What You'll Need
- Mentos candies
- Ice cube trays
- Diet soda
- Place one Mentos candy in each cube space in the tray and fill with water.
- Place in freezer to make normal ice cubes with a Mentos in the center.
- When victim is thirsty, pour a glass of their favourite diet soda and add 2-3 cubes of rigged ice.
- Wait a minute or two for ice to melt to watch their drink explode.
- You may want a camera (and a mop) nearby for this one!
No matter what your age, there are fun pranks you can play on members of your family. All of these pranks are designed to elicit laughter and have some fun on April Fool's Day without being cruel. Remember, April 1st is the day to be silly and let your hair down a little!