Qualico Communities Blog

9 Tips to Get Your Backyard Ready for Summer

Written by Kirsten Warwick | June 3, 2016

After a long winter, homeowners are eager to enjoy the warmer temperatures and entertaining in their backyards with family and friends. Winters can be hard on foliage and house structures so you’ll want to give your outdoor areas a thorough inspection to ensure your yard is up to summer standard. Here are 9 tips that will help you get your backyard ready for summer.

1. Inspect Your Foliage

Snow, ice, and harsh winds can cause significant damage to trees and shrubs on your property. When the warmer weather arrives, take a walk around your yard and note any broken branches, browned foliage, and plants that may not have survived and need to be removed. You may also be able to do some pruning of lower tree branches and shrubs. For damaged foliage at higher points, consult with a landscape specialist who can do the work safely and efficiently.

2. Assess Your Lawn

Your lawn is an important site of outdoor games and play. Now is a good time to re-seed bare areas or re-sod sections that have been damaged by the elements. Before it gets too hot outside, apply pre-emergent herbicides and fertilizer to provide nutrients during the growing season. 

Also, check mowers and other equipment to ensure you are ready to keep your lawn looking well maintained during the summer months. If you have a sprinkler system, test it to ensure good operation during the summer heat.

3. Clean and Repair the Home Exterior

Stand in your backyard and inspect your home’s exterior. Look for broken gutters, peeling paint and doors or windows that need repair. Check for openings that could allow access to the interior for small creatures. Taking care of these unsightly problems will make your summer outdoor activities more pleasant. You may also wish to add more outdoor lighting to make late evening activities safer and more enjoyable. 

4. Update Your Outdoor Furniture

Your outdoor furniture may need repair or repainting to be ready for summer entertaining. Check for loose screws, fraying wicker or broken legs that can affect safe use of the furniture. If some pieces cannot be repaired safely, replace them with new furniture. 

5. Give Your Yard More Colour and Texture

Your yard will look brighter and more cheerful if you plant a variety of flowers. can set plantings in large groups for a dramatic effect, or you can mix colours and textures for greater visual interest. Set taller plants at the back of flowerbeds, gradually reducing the size of mature plants as you approach the front. This measure will create a beautiful setting for guests to enjoy when entertaining outdoors.

6. Clean Up Your Hardscapes

Take a look at patios, stone paths, decks, and driveways for damage that should be repaired before summer entertaining and games get underway. These areas can cause a safety hazard that could cause someone to get hurt. Pressure wash sidewalks and driveways. Patch cracks replace broken flagstones and reset uneven areas.

7. Eliminate Pest Problems

To create a healthy and attractive outdoor environment, you should also pay attention to signs of insect infestations and other pests. Woodpiles, rotting tree trunks, and other problem areas should be cleaned up to keep from providing good hiding places for insects and creatures to hide and to breed. 

Check your grass for insect problems or burrowing creatures that can ruin your lawn. Look for hives built by wasps and bees and have them removed so everyone can enjoy outdoor areas safely. 

8. Maintain Your Barbecue Grill

If your grill can be stored indoors over the winter months, it will probably only need a minimum of maintenance to ensure its safe operation. However, if your barbecue stays outside during the winter, be sure to inspect all mechanisms and replace any parts that have been damaged by corrosion. Clean surface parts thoroughly and replace the fuel tank, if necessary. Clean or replace grill utensils. 

9. Add Shade To Make Guests Comfortable

Do an assessment of the sun’s heat on your entertainment areas during various times of the day. You may need to add a few trees or a pergola to prevent late afternoon sunlight from overheating your guests. A simple umbrella over outdoor tables may be sufficient. However, areas in full evening sun may require an awning or gazebo to keep temperatures to a comfortable level. 

Following the above tips will ensure that your backyard is ready for summer play and entertaining. Your efforts will provide the perfect setting for the lazy days of summer, relaxing with family and friends.

Photo credit: kids, bbq